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My Plan to Make Friends From Scratch In a New Country

I’m moving out of the Bay Area after spending my entire life there to live in Toronto, Canada. This is my plan to make friends from zero.

My Plan to Make Friends From Scratch In a New Country
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To Easily Meet Interesting People, Go Do Interesting Things

Doing interesting things is the easiest way for others to discover your work and meet you organically.

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How To Have Great Conversations With Anyone You Meet

Having great conversations will comes naturally once you start receiving and giving "gifts." Here's what I mean with real examples.

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How Volunteering Helped Me Connect and Get Hired for 3 Jobs

After volunteering for two years at different events, many doors have opened for a broke young entrepreneur like me. Mostly through serendipity. * Another volunteer recruited me to run events with her at Influencer Series, an intimate gathering of highly influential leaders. We host the events at different VC firms every

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Why You Should Stop Asking Professionals For Coffee

Why you shouldn't waste people's time begging them for coffee and what you should do instead to make a genuine connection.

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Three Creative Ways To Deepen Your Relationships

Three creative ways that I use frequently to connect with awesome people and build my network.

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How I got James Altucher, Tim Ferriss and Pat Flynn to Be My Mentors

No emails, large amounts of money, or begging required

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How To Surround Yourself With The Right People

My framework for finding the right people to surround yourself in your professional career.

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How A Broke Graduate Apprenticed Under Bestselling Authors Ramit Sethi, Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss

My book summary of Charlie Hoehn's amazing book, Recession-Proof Graduate. I used this framework to get my foot in the door when I started my career. The secret is free work.